readathon · To Be Read (TBR)

DoTheThingAThon – My TBR! ✨

Hello lovelies!

May has been hectic for me with my exams and having to go to Paris to take them in person and so I haven’t been able to read as much as I wanted to! Now that this is over, I am very excited to catch up on all of the books I’ve been meaning to read. So many books that I am dying to read are coming out by the end of this month and in June and I don’t want to be burdened by the books that have been sitting on my TBR for months. I’m also trying to stop impulsively buying books and actually reading them once I receive them, so I’m trying to lower my physical TBR.

I stumbled upon the #DoTheThingAthon hosted by Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction which is perfect because it is the extra motivation I needed to get through the books I’ve been meaning to read! I have a few ARCS and books that have been on my TBR for a few months and I’m happy to finally get to them.

This readathon doesn’t have specific prompts but rather just “doing the thing!” and reaching your own personal goals for the year. The Readathon takes place from May 24th-30th and there are going to be many reading sprints throughout the week! I am so excited to be reading with so many people!

My TBR or rather “hopefuls” for the readathon:


The Dragon and The Queen (The Raven and the Dove #3) by Kaitlyn Davis. I received an ARC for the first book and loved it so so so much!! I am thankful to still be receiving ARCs of this series. This is such an incredible story and I am very excited to get back into this universe. Release Date: June 21st 2021.

Lying with Lions by Annabel Fielding. The author kindly contacted me and asked me if I wanted to receive an ARC in exchange of an honest review. This book mixes historical fiction with a sapphic story. I can't wait! Release Date: June 21st 2021.

Merging the Drift by Tom Bray. The author contacted me back in February but I still haven't read it so I think it's time for me to finish this! 

Books that have been sitting on my TBR for months

Empire of storms by Sarah J. Maas. We should have a drinking game for how often this book appears on my reading lists and yet I still haven't read it. I've been "reading" this since November. I just want to get it over with. The worst part is that I am loving this book? I don't know why I stopped.

Charming As a Verb by Ben Philippe. This was a birthday present (back in February) by my lovely friend Rae @Rae's Reads and Reviews ! I think May is also Haitian Heritage Month and I really want to read this book in honour of that since the author is Haitian. 

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo. I am a huge fan of the Grishaverse as some of you know and seeing the TV show has finally convinced me to pick up this book which has been sitting on my shelves since 2019!

Normal People by Sally Rooney. This was also gifted to me by my cousin. I saw that the show has had amazing reviews and I cannot wait to read this one!

New Releases

The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He. This book caught my eye because of the cover and the synopsis and I cannot wait to read this one! It came out on May 4th!

Here’s the video were Ashleigh talks about the readathon and she created a Twitter account with all the playlists and everything linked to the readathon!

What are some books which have bee, sititng on your TBR forever? Let me know in the comments!

Karla ✨

readathon · To Be Read (TBR)

Join The Six Readathon – July 27th-August 5th

Hello lovelies!

Daisy Jones and the Six is one of my all-time favorite books. It crushed me. It’s the only book I reread this year, so when I heard there was a readathon inspired by the book, I couldn’t miss the opportunity. I also thought that it would help me in my challenge to read 10 days in three weeks!

Continue reading “Join The Six Readathon – July 27th-August 5th”