Monthly Wrap Up/ Favorites

Monthly Wrap UP – July 2020

Hello lovelies!

I really hope you are all well and safe. There are so many bad things happening lately and July has been a little overwhelming. I’m really excited for August because I haven’t had this much free time on my hands in a while. August is also my mom’s birthday month so it’s always a month I have enjoyed.

Books read

Kiss Me Every day – Dena Blake ★★★

I received this ARC through Netgalley.This was a “groundhog day” type of book where the same story repeats itself but it has a sapphic twist! The main thing this book had character development. . It wasn’t that Wynn was particularly unlikable in the beginning, it’s just that she became kinder by the day. It was wonderful seeing her opening up to others, listening to them and teaming up with them. That made her friendly and relatable.

See my full ARC review here.

The Vanishing Half – Brit Bennett ★★★★

The adjective “marvelous” , “poignant” or “fantastic” do not even begin to cover how much I adored this book. The writing style was impeccable. The way Brit Bennett manages to convey the depth of so many secrets, truths, feelings, characters and temporalities into short sentences or simple words is unmatched.

I am in awe of the way that the author tackled so many and I mean so many difficult subjects and turned them into such a heartbreaking and beautiful work of art. From colourism, racism, opportunity, assault, (intersectional) feminism, identity and so many others things. See my full review here.

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer ★★★ (more 2.5)

I’m a huge fan of the Twilight movies but I had never read the books before. I enjoyed the book overall but there are many elements that bothered me and Bella was insufferable and mean. See my review on reading Twilight for the first time at the ripe old age of 21 here.

Clap When You Land – Elizabeth Acevedo ★★★★

Hear me out. I am not a fan of books written in verse BUT THIS ONE WAS FANTASTIC.

This novel is one of the most beautiful things I have read in a while – if not ever.

It was raw, sharp and honest. Each word was chosen carefully and beautifully and I hated myself for reading it so quickly. I was a little scared of the way grief would be painted but it exceeded anything I expected. I didn’t let myself feel for the characters because I’m very selfish and I couldn’t fathom the idea of losing a loved one even if it has already happened to me but I wasn’t a parent. I didn’t even want to put myself into that mindset because it would be too painful to go through(as inevitable as it is). I love how the author shows how grief is in the little things 

The Wicker King – K. Ancrum ★★★★

I have really wanted to read more LGBTQ+ books this year. I have highly been recommended this book and it has amazing reviews online. BUT I DID NOT EXPECT THIS. This was gripping, moving and incredibly sad in the best way (if that’s a thing). After reading this I stayed a few moments with my mom because I needed comfort.

Her Royal Highness – Rachel Hawkins ★★★

A sapphic relationship? Royals? Enemies to lovers trope? Boarding school in Scotland? What’s not to love! Ever since I read Red, White and Royal Blue, I have been looking for a sapphic version of this and this book delivered. I was a little disappointed by the *very* slow beginning but the second half of the book made up for it. It was a pleasant and enjoyable contemporary romance.

Books bought

I was supposed to be on a buying ban but I didn’t turn out so well. At least I read most of the books I purchased!

New August releases I’m excited for

Bookish and the Beast – Ashley Poston. Ashley Poston is one of my favorite authors! I love her retellings and I’m excited to see her twist on the Beauty and the Beast retelling.

Midnight Sun – Stephenie Meyer. Do I really need to present this? I didn’t like Twilight (the book) much but I’m still curious to read the first book from Edward’s point of view!

July was HECTIC. In late June, I received the good news that I was accepted into my dream master’s degree in Paris so I have been looking for affordable apartments (more like rooms) in Paris and that was a challenge. Thankfully I have found a decent place where I’ll be moving into in September!

You also might have seen it in the news but the Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul cathedral in Nantes, my hometown has been set on fire (arson) and it was so heartbreaking to watch. It’s located in the centre of Nantes and it it a beloved symbol for us and that was hard to see. But thankfully the fire has been managed and no major damage has been recorded. There are still so many awful things happening in the world and that is stressful.

Hamilton An American Musical. Book, music and lyrics by Lin- Manuel Miranda. Inspired by the book Alexander Hamilton by  Ron Chernow. Choreography by Andy Blankenbuelher. Directed by Thomas Kail.

I have been trying to fit in my while life because I grew up in a predominantly white area. I love historical fiction and generally anything linked with history. Sadly, Black people are absent from the narrative and when they are mentioned they are often enslaved, belittled or insulted.

Words are not enough and will never be enough to tell you how much this musical means to me. I cannot tell you how I felt when I saw these characters who look like me, painted in such a beautiful way and bringing such a beautiful work of art to life. I felt like I belonged and that I was part of something bigger. What really got to me and made me cry my eyes out were the little things or sayings like “Immigrants, we get the job done”. Broadway or the world of art in general is not known for having diverse artists and it made me realize how important representation is. Seeing all these people of color on stage made me believe I could do anything. I cried for the first thirty minutes straight (so I had to rewatch it a billion times, as though I needed an excuse haha) because I was just so emotional.

I didn’t like Hamilton only for its “message” . The lyrics, choreography, cast and ensemble – basically the whole production was something of pure beauty.

Karla xx

12 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap UP – July 2020

  1. I’m sorry to hear about your hometown 😔 I can’t wait to read Clap When You Land though and I can’t believe I haven’t seen Hamilton yet!!


    1. Sorry for the late reply! Your comment went into my spam! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Yes, the fire was heartbreaking but all is well now, thank you😊. I really hope you enjoy Clap When You Land as much as I did! AND HURRY for Hamilton you are missing out!! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It looks like you had a busy month, but a month filled with great reading! 😃
    I’m looking forward to reading Elizabeth Acevedo’s books! I’ve read Poet X and I have With the Fire on High waiting for me to pick up! She’s such an great writer!


    1. Yes, July was a great reading month! 🥰 I’m also very excited to read With the Fire on High; i heard she narrates her own audiobooks and I might give that a try! Thank you for commenting! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  3. First of all: congratulations for getting into the master! Hope you enjoy Paris.

    And I want to read so many of the books you read in July… Clap when you land, The vanishing half, The wicker king and Her royal highness are all on my TBR. Hope to get to them soon. I want to read Midnight Sun too! (Although it’s been eleven years since I read Twilight so maybe I won’t enjoy it that much).


    1. Thank you!! 🌸 I really hope you enjoy them as much as I did! I was skeptical of a lot of them but they were all great reads! 🥰 I really hope Midnight Sun is better than Twilight 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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